On the eve of my election

I'm starting over with the blog, because I'm sick of the old one, and because I'm starting over in many ways. The most obvious being that tomorrow I jet off to the other side of the world. I will spend 4 months in New Zealand--learning, growing, shrinking, roundhouse kicking and expanding. You can't believe it? Imagine how I feel. I've spent the last few weeks trying to find ways to pass the time, but really just freaking out.
Whether I believe it or not, it is happening. It is almost here and I can't wait any longer. I need this. Last semester was beautiful, but everything was too easy. I'm tired of stagnation. Nothing like a change of hemispheres to jump start some personal growth, right?
Well, this is hopefully where I'll post some random updates. What I'm doing, how I'm feeling, who I'm meeting. Basically, this is where you get a glimpse of the adventure I'll be on. I plan on posting a blurb once a week, and I apologize if it's lacking in meaty substance. I imagine I'll be pretty busy once I get there. If you can't get enough Lizzie, from facebook or from emails that I'll be sending, supplement it with some delicious blog.
I love, miss, can't live without...you. I'll be back too soon.
Just popped in to say hello...or g'day...or whatever they say in New Zealand.
dude. this blogger dealie is awesomeness. ima gonna sign up and ditch that xanga shit. and then I did because you have to in order to post comments. greatness.
Elisabeth. LK. I got a blog, for you. If you aren't blushing, then you aren't human. Anyways now I can leave you terrible/caustic/witty comments whenever I so choose. By the way, you're all over my blog. I think you can go to it by just clicking on my name.
Peaciao brah.
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