Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Rockin the boat

Hello silly Americans,

I'm scraping along quite nicely. Classes started a few days ago. Here is what I'm taking:

ECOL 306: Wildlife Biology
ENTO 304: Insect Ecology and Diversity
SOCI 217: History of New Zealand Since 1945
BIOS 304: Toxicology

It's not too bad. My largest class has about 30 people in it, my smallest class about 6. I have field trips in 3 of my classes, the most exciting one in my Wildlife Ecology course. We are going to Kaikoura to observe different species going about their business.

Classes make me very happy. I decided to go to the library to get some early review and reading done and it made me feel wonderful. There are so many great opportunities. New Zealand is a country that is very interested in the conservation of its natural beauty and its rare species.

Settling in is a gradual process. My room isn't much of a sanctuary; American girls may have earned a reputation of sorts on this campus, and the kiwis like to get drunk and attempt to enter my room late at night. Yesterday there were 7 drunk kiwis in my room. They are completely harmless, but I'm afraid I'm a bit disappointing.

The constant socializing has me worn slightly thin. I've found a few people that are becoming good friends, and I prefer to spend time with them right now, rather than attempting to throw myself into the mass horde of first year kiwis. Classes have started, and I'm taking mostly upper level classes, so that means I'll get to interact with older, hopefully more mature, New Zealanders.

I haven't gotten a car, and I'm not sure if I will or not. For now, people are offering rides. This weekend I'm going to Mt. Cook National Park. I'm making most of the arrangements while some Germans are providing the means of transportation. The international students are all fun and friendly. We are becoming a bit of a family. We see each other all over campus, and the Europeans usually do the "kiss hello." I feel very loved, but at the same time I miss my friends from home. It would be nice to see a familiar face.

I have a few things to say about Kiwi fashion, but that will come later.


Monday, February 13, 2006

The pet child of calamity!

Yes yes, I'm here. The plane ride was virtually painless. I was making my transpacific journey with Buddy and Aurora, my best friends in the way that only people making a 13.5 hour flight together can be best friends. We've lost touch but I still think of them with fond memories.

Now, for those hardcore lost fans, you won't believe who I saw at the LA airport. It was Jorge Garcia. For you less insane fans, it was Hurley. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, it was the fat dude. It was a good moment. I was in the middle of starting to really cry, for the first time, and then I saw him in his chubby, side burned, long haired, grubby clothed beauty, and my world changed. I realized that I am probably the luckiest person on earth. Because I got to see Jorge Garcia and take stalker pictures of him. But moreso because I get to go to New Zealand for 4 months. Rightio (as the Kiwis say).

So I've been here for a few days, and I've been doing everything but settling in. I keep moving and meeting new people and it's exciting and exhausting all at once. I'm a freshmen all over again, and this time it's in another country. I found out that this university is 40% international students, which I figure means that more than half the people living on campus are not from New Zealand. It's very interesting. We have a lot of French students, some Germans, some Norwegian and a Brit so far. Every night so far we gather together and drink a little and talk. The Germans are probably my favorite, although there is a great French girl that I've been hanging out with a lot. I teach her English (today I taught her 2 new words: "wallet" and "poo"), and she tries to teach me French but I'm pretty much useless at it.

I went into Christchurch today with some hip kids and we putzed aroudn the city. The botanical garden is huge and breathtaking. Everyone is so friendly. New Zealand is mostly sheep and overly helpful, kind hearted people. It's kind of shocking. I think after tomorrow I might take off to Milford Sound for a bit of tramping with a few Americans and a Frenchie. Maybe I'll throw in a German for good measure.

I'm already growing tired of the craziness. Whenever I decide I need to take some time alone I feel like I'm missing out on something, and I usually am. When will I get to settle in? Not soon enough. The kiwis get here tomorrow and all hell will break loose. I've been warned that Americans are always shocked at the behavior of a drunk kiwi farm boy, and we will have no short supply of them here.

The motto around here is "Anything more than a C is wasted drinking time." Oh goodness.

Getting pictures up will be hard for a while. My access to internet is pretty limited, and it's much slower than I'm used to. The pictures don't do this place justice anyways.

I'm a day ahead of you. In your face!

I mean, lots of love.

--New Lizzielander

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

On the eve of my election

I'm starting over with the blog, because I'm sick of the old one, and because I'm starting over in many ways. The most obvious being that tomorrow I jet off to the other side of the world. I will spend 4 months in New Zealand--learning, growing, shrinking, roundhouse kicking and expanding. You can't believe it? Imagine how I feel. I've spent the last few weeks trying to find ways to pass the time, but really just freaking out.

Whether I believe it or not, it is happening. It is almost here and I can't wait any longer. I need this. Last semester was beautiful, but everything was too easy. I'm tired of stagnation. Nothing like a change of hemispheres to jump start some personal growth, right?

Well, this is hopefully where I'll post some random updates. What I'm doing, how I'm feeling, who I'm meeting. Basically, this is where you get a glimpse of the adventure I'll be on. I plan on posting a blurb once a week, and I apologize if it's lacking in meaty substance. I imagine I'll be pretty busy once I get there. If you can't get enough Lizzie, from facebook or from emails that I'll be sending, supplement it with some delicious blog.

I love, miss, can't live without...you. I'll be back too soon.
